SoilVision Systems Ltd. has spent years collecting high-quality unsaturated soil data from sources all over the world. Our database now contains data on over 6200 soil samples. 98% of these soil samples have a soil-water characteristic curve measured in a laboratory. The soil database also contains saturated permeability (hydraulic conductivity) data on over 2500 soils as well as unsaturated permeability data on over 700 soils. It is crucial to have an accurate description of unsaturated soil properties when performing finite element modeling of water and contaminant flow through the unsaturated soil zone. Methods for estimating unsaturated soil properties may not always be reliable. The use of the database contained in the SoilVision software can confirm the potential variability of your unsaturated soil properties. Groups of soils may be selected and plotted together to give a comprehensive idea of the variability of the soil-water characteristic curve. Determination of the air entry value (AEV) or the residual water content with increased accuracy is now possible.

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